Sacramental Preparation is an exciting journey of faith for the whole family and the whole parish! Parents attend this program together with their child. Children should be participating in a weekly religious education (for a minimum of two years) in addition to this program. Please be aware for a child to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Eucharist they can begin this process in the first grade or older with the sacraments being received in the second year, usually second grade or older. This can be fulfilled through a weekly Young Disciples class or by receiving religious education through a Catholic school or Catholic homeschooling. Sacramental Preparation is offered twice a year so that children can celebrate in May or December. Please note, your child must be baptized in the Catholic faith to participate in Sacramental Preparation. If your child is not baptized Catholic, please contact Fr. Raju for OCIA for children & youth.