In the midst of these challenging times, we in the Diocese of St. Petersburg feel blessed and grateful to have participated in the Paycheck Protection Program, which is providing much-needed funds to essential workers. During the shutdown and to this day, we have worked hard to continue serving our community. The loans enabled our essential ministries to continue to function in a time of national emergency. Click on the title to read more...
The Rosary is a remedy against severe trials, temptations and the hardships of life and this form of prayer is one of our great weapons in the battle against evil. Let us join together as one family and one community to pray for an end to the pain, discord and upheaval so many are experiencing.Each Thursday at 12:00pm from July 16 - August 6 Bishop Parkes will lead a Rosary for Peace, Healing, and an End to the Pandemic. Click on above title to join the Rosary.
All donors at the July drive will receive a nice weekender style tote bag! All donations will be tested for the Covid-19 Antibody, and donors will have access to their results within just a few short days. Please make an appointment as only 4 donors will be permitted at one time, to keep everyone safely separated throughout the process. Also, we will provide masks to anyone that does not bring their own, and take temperatures as donors enter. Click on the title to make your appointment!